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Minutes, Plans & Lessons Learned

We had 32 Classmates in attendance for our 35th Anniversary Reunion. In total there were 56 classmates, guests, and one former faculty member present to help celebrate our 35th anniversary.

Classmate Ronnie Thomas served as Master of Ceremonies and started the evening by welcoming everyone.

The first agenda item was the recognition of our deceased classmates:

Kathy Miller Calhoun
Henry Kennedy
Larry McCall
Victor Nails
John Woods

Danny Deloach
Henry Durrence
Bennie Johnson
Joyce Lynn Tucker

The first five died before our 30th Anniversary Reunion in 2002, the last four died since. MC Thomas also recognized former classmates Michael Fuller, Ella Morgan and Michael Stringer who didn’t graduate with us but died since our graduation.

MC Thomas introduced Classmate Jimmy Sisson for the musical tribute. Jimmy played guitar and sang “Go Rest High On That Mountain” and “The Weight” in honor of our classmates. “The Weight” was particularly meaningful as he had performed it many times with deceased classmate Danny Deloach. A sincere Thank-You and well-done to Jimmy for a difficult presentation.


MC Thomas thanked the following classmates and friends for their contributions to the Reunion effort:

Ronnie Spikes & Cheryl Lawson for invitations and support in general.

Susan Fountain for coordinating with the caterer, setting up the facility and support in general.

Frank & Gail Bradley for their diligent efforts toward our original plan (which was to hold the reunion at their home). We couldn’t make the plan work, but that doesn’t diminish their contribution.

Joyce (Gay) O’Neal for helping with the classmate search and spreading the word.

Patty Tootle, Sylvia (Smith) Kennedy, and Mae Jo (Hughes) Gordy for being sounding boards and sanity checkers.

And finally Kim Tatum, our photographer for the evening who was responsible for all the Reunion pictures.

Treasurer’s Report:

Carry Over from 2002 Reunion $500.00
Flowers for deceased classmates (200.00) (50.00 per for Danny, Henry, Bennie & Joyce)
Deposit for Robbins Nest (300.00)

Collected by mail before reunion 1260.00
Collected at reunion 1324.00 (Inclusive of $80.00 for DVDs)
Caterer’s Bill (1220.00)
Balance due on Robbins Nest (300.00)
Balance Available for Flower Fund $1064.00

Recognition of Sponsors:

The kind genersity of the classmates listed below made our 35th Anniversary Reunion possible:

Eldon Callaway
Kathy (Durrence) Heath
Terry Holland
John Kennedy
Jane (Anderson) Mangum
Helen (Costen) McKinnon
Ronnie McLeod
Gary Michael Roberts
Susan (Horton) Seigler
Susan ( Jordan) Sikes
Ronnie Spikes
Tommy Moser
Leigh (Alexander) Keith
Karen (Jarriel) Paradice
Barbara (Smith) Johnson
Rosa Lee (McKinnon) Brewton
Dophenia (Kennedy) Byrd
Artis Carswell
Cleotha Pough
Jimmy Sisson

Thank you also to the folks who donated cash and whose names I don’t have.

Next Reunion:

The class was in unanimous agreement that we should have another reunion in five years on our 40th Anniversary. MC Thomas will investigate possibilities.

MC Thomas passed along a suggestion by Classmate Terry Holland (who was out of the country and couldn’t attend) for a less formal ‘midterm’ gathering about midway between now and our 40th anniversary. The idea was to simply announce the date, time and location (a local restaurant) for a pay-as- you-go-gathering. MC Thomas had investigated the possibilities with our caterer for the evening (R.J.’s Steakery of Statesboro). R.J.’s Management says they can provide a private banquet room, with our own buffet for their usual price ($16.95) for a minimum of 50 people.

The classmates present arrived at a unanimous consensus that we should try the midterm gathering on a Saturday night in mid-summer of 2009. The announcement/invitation will be made via the local newspapers and e-mail.

With no further business to come before the class, MC Thomas adjourned the meeting and asked all classmates to gather for our group picture.

At 7:00 MC Thomas announced the Call To Dinner and classmate Artis Carswell gave the invocation. We enjoyed an excellent meal and the fellowship continued into the night.

Lessons Learned:

Never try to host a large event on a Friday night during football season.
Never try to host a large event close to the first of the month when some of the potential attendees have Payroll/accounting responsibilities.
Never try to host a large event in the south anytime during hunting season.
Always provide a bar. Even if it only serves soft drinks, iced tea and bottled water, make sure attendees have access to fluids. My apologies to everyone for letting this detail get completely by me.

Your Feedback:

Please provide me with any ideas you have for making our next reunion better.

(843) 834-9478, ron@ronsroost.com

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