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During our 35th Anniversary Reunion, we voted to have an informal “Midterm” reunion before our 40th Anniversary Reunion, and we did just that on June 19th 2010 at R.J.’s Seafood & Steaks in Statesboro.

We had a total of 33 Classmates and Guests in attendance. It was an evening of reminiscing and catching up and as luck would have it, our banquet room was right next door to a Class of 49 Reunion (I think their school was in the Statesboro area).

Clegg Bazemore addressed the class with some financial information and suggestions for collecting silver (in the form of older US coins). He also brought and made available to everyone present silver quarters from or very near our collective birth years (in Clegg’s case 1953, for most of the rest of us 1954) as a reminder and enticement for collecting silver.

We must have looked like a crowd that was amenable to just about anything, because the folks in the adjacent dining area (not the Class of 49) asked if we would sing Happy Birthday for their Mother's 83rd Birthday party.

We exchanged a few "OK, what do we do now looks" before we dutifully formed a semi-circle around the lady of the hour and did our best rendition of the Happy Birthday standard. Frankly, I think the chorus line needs some work, but they seemed sincerely appreciative.

The hard core talkers among us didn't leave until RJ's was ready to turn out the lights, and everyone left looking forward to our 2012, 40th Anniversary Reunion.

As always, please feel free to contact me at (843) 834-9478 with suggestion or comments.

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© 2017, One Cavity Creations, Ron@RonsRoost.com